Investigators: Bevin P. Engelward, ScD Professor of Biological Engineering, MIT
Dr Engelward, MIT, is a leader in understanding on how DNA damages lead to carcinogenesis and other diseases. More specifically, her work often focuses on homologous recombination leading to the creation many novel technologies for detecting these rare sequence changes in vivo and to measure genomic damages in vitro [1].
Engelward laboratory created the first transgenic model to study homologous recombination (HR) using fluorescent protein reporters [2]. This technology can be used to detect rare HR events in vivo in disease models. In the in vitro front, her group recently modernized a traditional DNA repair assay called the comet assay to increase its repeatability and throughput [3]. Furthermore, Dr. Engelward's group is working on improving the throughput of few other common in-vitro toxicology assays including the γ-H2AX assay. γ-H2AX assay is an important and commonly used technique to quantify DNA double strain breaks (DSBs; and other DNA lesions) based on an established method for labeling repair proteins. Recently, Dr. Engelward's team has also turned their attention to the relation of DNA damage and infections. Results from her new studies suggest that, following infection, DNA damage could affect the disease progression. Further, LBRC has long worked with Dr. Engelward on developing in-vivo and in-vitro assays for DNA damage.
First, LBRC provides access to a high-throughput 3D imaging cytometer to image large population of cells for the next generation γ-H2AX toxicology assay. With tissue optical clearing, these approaches may also work for quantifying HR in the tissue of Dr. Engelward’s novel mouse models. Second, LBRC provides computational support for fully automated data analysis microscope images; our user-friendly image analysis software enables LBRC service users, like Dr. Engelward and her colleagues, to quickly quantify their image data with unbiased statistics.